Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Boeing 737-800WL




No, you can only fly routes that are available in our booking system

Yes, you have 14 days to complete your first flight and send your initial PIREP before your account will be deleted without further notification. After that, you will have to fly once every 60 days to stay active. After 90 days of inactivity, your account will be deleted.

I can not complete my first flight within the 14 days: No Problem, just contact us on our Discord Server

You can use any aircraft type that is available for the flight. You can choose the type and registration during the flight planning process.

No, we gladly recommend it to our members. If you are interested, we also offer basic courses for IVAO and VATSIM.

StableApproach is a plugin for X-Plane users, enhancing flight realism.
You can download it from StableApproach’s GitHub page.

Yes, at the time of registration, the applicant must be 16 years old.

You can fly with X-Plane 11 / 12, Prepar3D, Flight Simulator X, MSFS and also MSFS 2024 .

You can contact us on our official Discord Server: